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Climate change is one of the major challenges of the 21st Century, whose adverse impacts are affecting all, especially developing countries through persistent drought, extreme weather events, all of which threaten food security, water energy and health.  The influence of humans on climate change is evident and recent anthropogenic emissions of Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the highest in history, and unabated, will result in severe pervasive and irreversible impacts. Adaptation and mitigation are complementary for reducing and managing the risks of climate change.  These approaches are underpinned by common enabling factors such as: effective institutions and governance, provision of adequate finance, innovation and investment in environmentally sound technologies and infrastructure

Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs)
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to which Uganda is signatory emphasizes the role of technology in stabilizing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission thereby addressing climate change. Understanding climate technology needs is therefore a key starting point for effective action on climate change.  This is because by understanding climate technology needs, a country can prioritize her technology needs and determine how to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to adverse impact of climate change.

Technology Needs Assessments are central to the work of Parties to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, given that they determine countries’ climate technology priorities. They are a set of country-driven participatory activities leading to identification, selection and implementation of climate technologies, in order to reduce GHGs (mitigation) and/or vulnerability of sectors and livelihoods to the adverse impacts of climate change.  These are conducted in in line with ongoing national development processes, for purposes of sustainability.  TNAs present an opportunity to track evolving needs for equipment, techniques, practical knowledge, and skills, which are necessary for mitigation and adaptation to impacts of climate change.  

TNA-Uganda Project
Uganda received support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to conduct technology needs assessment in August 2018.  This support was implemented by the UNEP DTU Partnership, Denmark and coordinated by Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST). UNCST was the National Designated Entity (NDE) for the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), and as such, the Focal Point for climate technology in Uganda. The objectives of the TNA were to identify and select climate technologies that will be implemented by Uganda, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) and/or vulnerability to climate change (adaptation). 

Key outputs and outcomes of the TNA include: 12 prioritised technologies, experts skilled in technology assessments, strategic networks of experts at national, regional and global level in regard to climate technology, and pipeline projects and project ideas to help Uganda progress towards her mitigation and adaptation ambitions.

The TNA was carried out by Ugandan consultants, who identified and prioritised 12 technologies for potential deployment in Agriculture, Forestry, Water (adaptation) and Energy (Mitigation) sectors in order to support achievement of Uganda’s mitigation ambitions, enhance community resilience to the impacts of climate change, and accelerate the country’s attainment of her Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

The TNA process further provided for analysis and understanding of barriers to adoption of the identified technologies and what regulations, incentives and interventions are required for their transfer, in view of the challenges Uganda faces in adopting and transferring technologies to the desired scale. Moreover, the TNA process also developed Technology Action Plans; concise plans for the uptake and diffusion of prioritized technologies that will contribute to a Uganda’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and adapt to climate change.

The TNA process considered ongoing development processes, including: the national development plans, adaptation and mitigation goals of the Uganda Climate Change Policy and programmes such as: Uganda’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs).

The project which wound up in November 2021, had critical outputs/outcomes including: new knowledge generated about potential of existing indigenous or foreign technologies to support Uganda’s mitigation and adaptation ambitions.  The project trained Ugandans climate practitioners of diverse backgrounds in technology assessment methodologies, generated several knowledge resource materials on climate technologies (statistics, factsheets, policy briefs, reports) and provided opportunities for establishment of strategic networks among universities and public and private enterprises at national, regional and global level in regard to climate technology.   

Critical among the outcomes of the TNA Uganda process are the pipeline projects and project ideas to help Uganda progress towards her climate change mitigation and adaptation ambitions.

The TNA process was concluded in November 2021, and UNCST officially launched the TNA - Technology Action Plan Reports in March 2022, during the Uganda Water and Environment Week, at a ceremony presided over by the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Water and Environment, in March 2022.    

FIND TNA REPORTS HERE:  https://tech-action.unepdtu.org/country/uganda/
and https://www.uncst.go.ug

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